Knox students inform, challenge, and entertain Chamber members
Members of the local Chamber of Commerce learned why public education is Knox County’s best investment on Tuesday, February 26.
Members of the local Chamber of Commerce learned why public education is Knox County’s best investment on Tuesday, February 26.
The latest round of Shining Star awards were presented by the Knox County Board of Education during their meeting on Tuesday, February 26.
Knox Central High School cheerleaders competed in the KHSAA Competitive Cheer Championships held at Western Kentucky University in Bowling Green on Saturday, February 23.
Join the team. Make a difference.
The Lynn Camp Middle/High School chapter of Future Farmers of America is joining others in celebrating National FFA Week February 16-23, 2013.
Student stakeholders and school district administrators signed a joint proclamation declaring “Gifted Education Week” in Knox County on February 18, 2013.
Members of the Knox Central Academic Team placed fourth overall in the 2013 Regional Governor’s Cup competition held at Leslie County High School on Saturday, …
William Blake Hubbard, sixth grade student at Central Elementary, is a winner in the Kentucky Saves Week poster contest.
Preschool registration for the 2013-2014 school year has been scheduled in Knox County.
Two Knox County students will soon receive behind the scenes look at state government after being selected to serve as Legislative Pages.
Knox County Public Schools - Office of Communications and Governance
Contact us at communications@knox.kyschools.us