Dates set for kindergarten registration in April
KCPS is excited to welcome the class of 2035 to our schools this fall as kindergarten students begin their educational journey. Any child who turns …
KCPS is excited to welcome the class of 2035 to our schools this fall as kindergarten students begin their educational journey. Any child who turns …
While students at Girdler earn tickets and tiger paws for their good behavior, the leadership team has earned an opportunity to attend the national PBIS …
Clint Mays, a teacher at Knox County Middle School, has been selected as the next leader of Girdler Elementary School. The selection came Friday morning, …
The excitement of elementary academic matches went virtual this year as students competed at their home school against teams across the county. “Of course, this …
Elementary academic teams across Knox County competed virtually on Saturday, February 20, for the opportunity to advance to the regional event to be held in …
Knox County Public Schools were in the spotlight this fall for their continued success with PBIS, with modifications even being made for positive behavior through …
To create awareness of the need for masks as part of the state’s #MaskUpKY, staff in the Knox County Public Schools submitted their own mask …
Students from Knox County were among nearly 500 students and 49 teams that the FIRST LEGO Robotics competition held on the campus of Northern Kentucky …
Knox County’s FIRST Robotic Teams came together on Monday, December 9 to showcase and test their robotic engineering in preparation for the regional competition to …
The annual Sixth Grade Showcase was held at Central Elementary on Saturday, December 7. Eight teams representing area sixth grade students took part in the …
Knox County Public Schools - Office of Communications and Governance
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