With students returning to school, the return to a near normal year is in store as district officials determine procedures for those exposed to, or testing positive for, the coronavirus.
Last week, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced key changes to its nationwide Covid-19 guidelines. Among them was the end of required quarantine after someone is exposed to a close contact with COVID-19. The school district’s procedures will follow that guidance.
Below is a quick glance at procedures currently in place, as of August 17, in the Knox County Public Schools (KY). If changes are made, this same page will be updated with the latest information.
As of August 17, 2022
If you were exposed to COVID-19, regardless of vaccination or prior positive test, you do not need to stay home nor isolate yourself unless you develop symptoms. It is recommended that you test after five (5) days. You should take precautions until 10 days after the initial exposure by wearing a well-fitting mask and limiting yourself to close proximity to others.
If you test positive for COVID-19, quarantine at home for five (5) days from the date that symptoms developed. Wear a well-fitting mask when around family and others at home. Consider testing after five (5) days and if you test positive, consider testing on the tenth (10) day. If symptoms do not exist, and you test negative, you may resume normal activities while taking precautions and wearing a well-fitting mask until ten (10) days after the onset of symptoms.