The Knox County Board of Education will conduct their regularly scheduled monthly meeting on Tuesday, March 22, 6:30pm, at the Old Rock Gym on the campus of Knox County Middle School in Barbourville. The Old Rock Gym is located behind the main middle school building and is accessible from Sycamore Drive. A copy of the tentative agenda is attached.
Due to an expected large audience, the school district is offering the following guidance for guests planning to attend:
- Doors to the Old Rock Gym will open at 5:30pm, one hour prior to the meeting time.
- Parking that is immediately in front of the Old Rock Gym’s entrance doors, which is the area behind the main middle school building, will be reserved handicapped parking.
- Knox JROTC cadets will be on and near campus to assist guests with parking. Parking will be available in the lower lot of the Old Rock Gym, across the street at the Knox County ATC / KY Tech campus, Adult Education/bus parking area off of Wall Street, the middle school football field on Sycamore Drive, and the new gymnasium parking lot on North Main Street. JROTC will be stationed with directional signage once each of these lots becomes full.