Agenda set for November Board of Education meeting

Knox County Board of Education

(BARBOURVILLE, Ky.) – The Knox County Board of Education will conduct their next regularly scheduled monthly meeting on Monday, November 25, 2019 beginning at 6:45 pm at Lynn Camp Middle/High School (100 N KY 830, Corbin).  A copy of the tentative agenda follows.  A downloadable PDF document is available. 


Pledge of Allegiance – Lynn Camp Elementary Kindergarten

Moment of Silence

A. Communications
Lynn Camp Middle and High School Softball Teams
Beta Club National Participants

B. Remarks by Citizens

C. Reports to the Board

i. Architect Construction Updates
ii. Cloyd & Associates, Auditors, 2018-2019 Financial Audit Presentation
iii. Principal’s Accountability Update

I. Adopt Agenda

II. Actions by Consent
A. Acknowledgment of Financial Statements and Financial Reports, Bills and Claims, Previous Board Meeting Minutes, Superintendent’s Personnel Report, Maintenance Report, Field Trip Report, Fundraisers, and Request to Use District Property.

III. District Facilities and Operations
A. Discuss and/or Take Action on Bid Advertisement for Mowing Service’s
B. Discuss and/or Take Action on advertisement for Chemical Service for Athletic Fields bid for services for the 2020 calendar year
C. Approve BG-1 for new or to renovate green house at LCHS and authorize Superintendent to advertise for bids pending KDE approval.
D. Discuss and/or Take Action on Pay Application #10 from Trane for Guaranteed Energy Savings Project
E. Discuss and/or Take Action on revised BG-19-356 LCHS Unit Replacement

IV. Governance and Leadership
A. Discuss and/or Take Action on selecting a Board member to serve on 2019-2020 CDIP committee

V. Teaching and Learning

VI. Resources and Support Systems
A. Discuss and/or Take Action on Staffing

VII. Other Action Items with Discussion
A. Discuss and/or Take Action on Out of State Trips
B. Discuss and/or Take Action on Cloyd & Associates, Auditors, 2018-2019 Financial Audit

VIII. Adjournment