Welcome to the 2017-2018 school year!
On Tuesday, August 1, and Wednesday, August 2, our teachers will begin the new year with teacher equivalent work days. These are contractual days built into the school year calendar that allows our teachers to focus on curriculum and instructional updates for the year.
Depending on your grade level and content area there are two major goals for the teacher equivalent days:
- Course Syllabus and Curriculum Units – The work for most faculty members over these days will consist of creating a Course Syllabus for every class we offer and making assignments for any curriculum work (revising creating Instructional units and/or unit assessments) that needs to be finished so that we have the most complete curriculum as possible. Each administrator and curriculum coach also has a focus subject and or grade level to help drive this work.
- Intervention Plans Developed – People assigned to this team, with the exception of reading recovery teachers, will have work that looks a little different. The people in this team will be working with team leads to develop intervention plans and forms for our district.
Below are resources to help you prepare for the work ahead:
Where am I assigned?
Click on the name of your school below to see which school and group you are assigned to on August 1st and 2nd.
Central Elementary
Dewitt Elementary
Flat Lick Elementary
Girdler Elementary
GR Hampton Elementary
Knox Central High
Knox County Middle
Lay Elementary
Lynn Camp Elementary
Lynn Camp Middle High
What time will we start/end each day?
Start time at 8:30am, lunch on your own, and end time at 3pm.
On Tuesday everyone will report to the gymnasium at 8:30am.
What is the work plan for those creating syllabi and curriculum units?
Download PDF document
What is the work plan for those assigned to the intervention team?
Download PDF document
What template do we use for the syllabus?
Download Word document
Do you have an example of a syllabus that is finished?
Example 1; Example 2; Example 3
What template do we use for units?
Download Word document
Where do we upload completed our syllabus/syllabi once completed?
Upload site