OPENING PLANS… Reviewing school safety for 2018-19






Knox County leaders were joined by local and state first
responders on Thursday, September 13 as they opened up school
emergency plans and made updates for the new school year.

“One of the most profound duties of the Knox County Board of
Education is ensuring the safety and security of its students and
staff members,” said Superintendent Kelly Sprinkles.

Sprinkles shared with participants the number of safety upgrades
that the school district has implemented since last year’s safety

“See a problem, report a problem is the motto that we want our
students to know and operate by, whether they are at school or a
place in the community,” stated Sprinkles.

Last school year KCPS introduced the STOP Tipline service that
allows students, staff, families, and community members to report
suspicious or potentially disruptive behavior to the school district.
The school district also installed metal detectors at all school
buildings and have access to handheld wand units. Video buzzer
systems are on all entrance doors to limit who has access to our
buildings. “These are just a few of the ways we have increased
security measures,” continued Sprinkles.

During the school safety update, a proclamation was signed
declaring the week of September 17-21 as School Safety Week in
the district. But for Sprinkles and law enforcement, they hope the
message extends beyond the school walls.

“We encourage all families to join us in ensuring that their homes
and our community is a safe, secure, and peaceful setting for
students to learn and grow,” said Sprinkles.

From flash flooding to fires, Sprinkles said that an emergency can
happen within seconds leaving families, and schools, with just
seconds to implement their response plan.

“The safety of our children is everyone’s responsibility,” concluded