Information for families regarding school safety

Parent icon showing family and child.

This letter was sent home by students on Tuesday, August 27, 2019

August 27, 2019

Dear Knox County Families,

As the new school year begins, we would like to take a few minutes of your time to review safety information about your child’s school and our school district.  The safety and well-being of our students and staff is a priority. Our goal is for all students to achieve high academic standards within a safe learning environment.

Because of recent events involving threats and criminal activity in schools, shopping malls, and other venues,  we think it is important to remind our families and students about things they can do to reduce safety risks at school.

  • Check your child’s backpack daily for any items that the student has possession of before and after attending school. Any items that are listed in our student handbook or pose a safety concern will be confiscated.
  • Remind your child to be watchful while waiting on the bus, exiting the bus, and during their time in the school building. They should not open any outside doors for visitors.  They should pay attention to visitors in hallways, everyone should have a badge with their name on it.  If they see anyone strange they should immediately report it to their teacher.
  • Their own personal safety and well-being is important. They should report bullying and personal threats to their teacher and principal immediately.  If the threats occur after hours they should use our STOP tipline (  If they hear of potential violence or are aware of other issues they can use the STOP tipline.  If it is an emergency they should dial 911.

We must all take time to practice and model these safety tips with our children.  With recent shootings at shopping malls, false threats at athletic games, we must always be prepared.  As of yesterday, the Federal Bureau of Investigation released the following statement in regards to rumors out of Arkansas of possible school threats in Arkansas and Kentucky.  FBI Louisville is aware of an unspecified internet threat against schools in Kentucky (08/28) and Arkansas (08/29). There is no evidence indicating this threat is credible. However, if you see something suspicious online or in person, contact local law enforcement or the FBI. 

This incident should serve as a reminder to review the importance of safety and practice it routinely.  It is regrettable that we must plan and practice for such possible occurrences, but, in light of occurrences in Kentucky and around the country, these conversations and drills are essential for the safety of our children.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.