It was a banner day for three Knox County schools as the regional High Attendance Day winners were announced last Thursday.
In September, Knox County and school districts across the Commonwealth encouraged all students to be at school, and on time, during the annual High Attendance Day held September 17. Once each district reports its attendance totals to the Kentucky Association of Directors of Pupil Personnel (KDPP), the association selects regional winners based on the enrollment size of the school.
Knox County had three schools to win in their enrollment categories. G.R. Hampton received the small elementary school award, Knox County Middle received the large middle school award, and Lynn Camp High won the small high school award.
Gina Sears, Director of Pupil Personnel for Knox County and a member of KDPP, shared the news with principals during their monthly meeting held at Lynn Camp Elementary. In addition to receiving a certificate from KDPP, each school was presented with a banner from the school district.