Due to ongoing concerns related to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Knox County Public Schools’ preschool program has announced that screenings will be performed by appointment only. Screenings will be held at G.R. Hampton and Lynn Camp Elementary, August 12, regardless of which preschool your child will attend. To schedule an appointment, please call Robin Parrott at the Knox Board of Education (606) 546-3157 ext. 2419.
Screenings will not be performed without an appointment. Parents will be asked to follow the guidance provided related to wearing masks and social distancing. Other specific guidance will be given upon scheduling the screening appointment.
This is a joint screening provided by both Knox County Public Schools’ Preschool Program and KCEOC Headstart. Parents will complete one application for both programs.
Applications and Exam forms are available on the Knox County Schools webpage, at any Knox County elementary school Monday-Thursday 9am-2pm, and the KCEOC Perry Building (546-9076). If you have already turned in an application for this year, you do not need to sign up for this screening.
If available, please bring copies of the following to registration:
- Eye Exam Form
- Social Security Card (optional)
- Birth Certificate
- Proof of Income (check stub, W-2 or tax returns)
- Physical Exam Form Up to date Immunization Certificate
Preschool screening is a free service offered by the Knox County Public Schools in collaboration with the KCEOC Head Start Program and is one way of finding help for 3 and 4 year olds with special needs. Both Head Start and Preschool are eligibility based programs. We encourage all 3 and 4 year olds to apply for KCEOC Head Start/Knox Co. Preschool, including children that are homeless and children with disabilities.
Knox County Board of Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disability in employment or the provision of services.