These 4th grade students were Instant Stars last Wednesday during Math skills group. They explained subtracting across zeros like superstars!
Knox Central
Shown above, Southern Regional Education Board consultant, Deb Cullen, helping KCHS faculty members enhance their cur-riculum through Literacy Design Collaborative (LDC) units.
Jesse D. Lay Elementary
On September 18th, 19th, and 20th Jesse D. Lay Elementary hosted “Books and Breakfast”. Family members were invited to have breakfast with their student and see the exciting things happening at Lay School. Free books were provided by Literacy Innovations for Neighborhoods in Kentucky (LINK). Information was made available on how to help with reading at home. After enjoying breakfast, families visited classrooms where they saw things such as literacy activities, math lessons, cooperative learning structures and new technology purchased by KEDC’s LINK Grant.
Shown below, seniors, Tiffany Woolum and Destiny Huff, using the Aver TV to teach their ILead lesson… Thank you to the LINK grant for providing them to KC students.