If you walked into the halls of Lynn Camp’s middle school yesterday you would have found classrooms filled with silence for the first time as students participated in fall scrimmage testing. The setup mimicked traditional testing that occurs in the spring, with no interruptions and no assistance from the teacher. The test was designed to assess students on critical standards in reading, math, science, social studies, and on-demand, all similar to the K-PREP state assessment.
Meanwhile, in the high school wing, students were hard at work preparing for the ACT by taking a practice ACT exam and ACT writing field test.
Teachers at both middle and high school levels will analyze the test results during upcoming professional learning communities and define the next steps for each student to move toward proficiency. Students will take one additional scrimmage or mock test in the spring prior to the actual state assessment.
The scrimmage testing comes on the eve of a record number of Knox Central and Lynn Camp students signed up to take the residual ACT at Union College. Over 60 students are preparing for the assessment with goals set on meeting benchmarks to qualify for dual credit English and/or Math in the spring. The residual, being given Friday, November 16 and Friday, November 30 to accommodate the large number, is only valid at Union College but is required for students who haven’t previously met benchmarks on the national ACT.