Students in the Knox County Public Schools will have the day off on Friday, April 13 as educators head to Frankfort for the final two days of the General Assembly. The decision to close April 13, 2018 comes in response to requests from employees who would like to advocate for public education as the Kentucky General Assembly winds down its session.
“On Thursday we conducted a survey of staff and over 60% specified that they would like to have the opportunity to either attend or to allow their colleagues to attend a rally that is being planned in Frankfort on Friday,” said Frank Shelton, Director of Communications for the school district. Knox County joins a growing list of school districts that are making the same call to cancel classes on Friday.
School District Superintendent Kelly Sprinkles stated that he has heard from many staff members throughout the week who want to continue to advocate for education by going to Frankfort on Friday.
Knox County originally had a plan to send KEA school delegates to the rally on Friday, but due to increased numbers of staff wishing to participate, the number of staff that would be absent on Friday exceeds the district’s ability to provide substitutes and adequately provide student supervision.
“The budget bill is vital to our operations for next year as it impacts the General fund and services such as preschool and FRYSC. I commend our employees for being advocates for our students and the entire profession. We look forward to joining educators from across the Commonwealth on Friday in a collective voice that tells Legislatures and the Governor that an investment in public education is the right choice for Kentucky,” said Sprinkles.
The decision to cancel classes Friday will not impact commencement exercises that are scheduled for the high schools on May 25 and 26. It will postpone the testing window by one day, with assessments beginning on Tuesday, May 8.