The July meeting was held at the Knox County Board of Education Annex (199 Daniel Boone Drive) on Monday, July 26, at 6:30pm. The meeting was streamed live online and is now available for on-demand viewing at
Architect Construction Updates
Scott Noel provided the Board with on-going updates on renovations and upgrades taking place throughout the district. The plans for the LC Greenhouse and Flat Lick Waste Water Treatment Plant have made their way through the KDE approval process and may now begin. Findings of the local district facilities committee at Knox County Area Technology Center were discussed. The Board will be changing the school’s status to permanent facility with renovations to occur. As of July 1, the Knox County Board of Education assumed local control of the facility now known as Knox County Career and Technical Center. Noel also provided the Board with an update that vendors and installers will be in the district in August visiting schools for final punch list items that need to be finished or repaired.
Highlights of Action Items
Renewal of several services and memorandum of agreements were approved at the meeting in preparation for the 2021-2022 school year.
- Tyler Forms for the district’s financial accounting system MUNIS.
- KHEAA and KY Compass Compact for an AmeriCorps College Coach at Lynn Camp.
- Tri County Skills U partnership with Laurel County to provide adult education services in Knox County.
- Several agreements impacting operation and funding for Knox County Day Treatment and Appalachian Children’s Home.
- Membership in the Kentucky School Boards Association and their policy/procedure services.
- Renewal of the district’s subscription to Odysseyware K-12 online courseware for credit recovery and virtual learning.
- Renewal of contract for clinical supervision for psychology services.
- Approval to purchase from Herff Jones/ BSN graduation items.
- Authorization of the first funding from the state for the operation of Knox County CTC.
The Board also took action to approve last year’s reported donations from all school activity accounts and to approve external school clubs for the upcoming year. The second funds request for school security was approved in the amount of $1,371 which will end that grant. Funds have been used to upgrade entrance systems at all schools.
The Board received information on bids that were received for blacktopping and sealer services. Bids were received from Dura Seal and Hinkle Contracting. Both bids were approved to allow flexibility on the need for black topping and each company’s availability at that time.
Staffing items were connected to federal ESSER funds. Seven interventionists, three full time substitutes, and a director of elementary education were approved contingent upon available funding with ESSER. The positions will be abolished once funds end. Also, the Board approved emergency hires of two math teachers at Knox Central High School.
The Board set the 2022 motor vehicle and watercraft property tax rates at 50.2 cents per $100 of assessed value. The amount is set by the state and remains unchanged from previous years.
This is a summary of Board action. Official minutes will not be made available until approval at the next meeting, scheduled for August 23, 6:30pm, at the Board Annex. Individuals wishing to sign up for public comment in advance may contact for further information.