The Knox County Board of Education conducted its April meeting in an online format on Monday, April 27, 2020.
The meeting was conducted via Zoom pursuant to the Coronavirus Guidelines of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control; the March 12, 2020 Meeting Protocols for Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) issued by the Kentucky Finance and Administration Cabinet, KRS 61.810(1)(k), KRS 61.826, OAG 20-05 and SB 150.
The meeting was live-streamed and available for viewing on the website.
A copy of the Board’s agenda is available in PDF format for download.
Superintendent Sprinkles provided a brief update on current architect/construction projects in the district. Bleacher replacement at Lynn Camp Middle/High has been delayed by the factory due to COVID-19 closure. KDE approved the contract with the low bidder on the Knox Central tennis courts on the Lay property. A pre-construction meeting will be scheduled in the upcoming week. The Board is waiting to receive pricing on panels for the greenhouse at Lynn Camp.
The Board approved advertising bids for the upcoming school year including new bid opportunities for blacktop and sealer, nursing supplies, and tree services. Interested parties may e-mail for bid specifications. An advertisement for bids will appear in the local newspaper and be posted online this week.
Approved SBDM allocations for the upcoming school year which have not changed from the original draft and extended the deadline for schools to spend current year board allocated SBDM instructional supply, custodial, and athletic funds to September 30, 2020 due to COVID-19.
Workers Compensation Renewal for 2020-2021 was awarded to KEMI. The district has seen a recent increase in workers compensation that impacted the district’s mod rating. Other districts report a similar increase.
Approval of fourteen COVID-19 emergency leave days as granted by SB177 for the current school year to employees at high risk and underlying conditions pending review by the Superintendent.
Renewal of the contract with Windstream for network services was approved.
The academic calendar for the current school year was amended to reflect NTI days, other closings that occurred throughout the year, and to set May 14 as the last day for students.
The payroll calendar and academic calendar for 2020-2021 was approved. The academic calendar may be amended if recommendations come from KDE, the Office of the Governor, or Public Health due to COVID-19. The start date for students is set for August 6 in the calendar.
Approved the student teaching program MOA with Eastern Kentucky University for the upcoming year.
Amended the certified evaluation plan due to COVID-19 to allow telephone and video conferencing options and electronic signature.
Approved the Bond of Depository for Forcht Bank and approved Cloyd and Associates as the auditors for the current year financials.
Approved a grant application submitted by Jesse D. Lay Elementary with the Division of Waste Management for playground surfacing.
An official copy of Board minutes will be approved at the May meeting.