WHEREAS, the Knox County Public Schools are proud to join other school districts and education organizations across the Nation in celebrating Teacher Appreciation Week (May 7-11) and National Teacher Day on Tuesday, May 8; and
WHEREAS, Teacher Appreciation Week is one of our most important observances because it brings attention to the teaching profession, which is worthy of honor and praise; and
WHEREAS, our teachers are a dynamic force in the learning process and
demonstrate their commitment to our students through their willingness of time,
energy, talents, and resources; and
WHEREAS, it is recognized that success in Knox County Public Schools is the
combined effort of all school professionals, our educational partners, our families, and our community;
THEREFORE, the Knox County Public Schools declares locally, that May 7-11, 2018 be observed as Education Appreciation Week in Knox County, Kentucky;
WHEREAS, all stakeholders of the Knox County Public Schools serve our students—as role models, mentors, motivators, listeners, encouragers, caregivers, and coaches who significantly impact the lives of children; and
WHEREAS, we recognize that those who impact our students play a significant role in the vitality and economic prosperity of our community because they are the people responsible for preparing for the next generation of leaders.
NOW, THEREFORE, to honor all teachers and education professionals who
deserve the utmost respect for the contributions they make to our schools and for their efforts to positively influence the leaders of tomorrow, I, Kelly Sprinkles,
Superintendent of the Knox County Public Schools, and I, Gordon Hinkle, Chairman of the Knox County Board of Education, hereby proclaim
MAY 7-11, 2018