On Friday afternoon the Kentucky Department of Education notified school superintendents that the “Guidance and Safety Expectations and Best Practices for Kentucky Schools (K-12),” commonly known as the Healthy at Schools guidance document, had been rescinded.
The information sent by Commissioner Dr. Jason Glass stated that “the use of cloth face coverings and social distancing measures are no longer mandated.”
Beginning on Monday, June 14, masks for students and staff will be optional in all Knox County schools and office buildings. Individuals who choose to wear a mask as a matter of personal preference or comfort will be allowed to continue to do so.
Commissioner Glass stated that the CDC will be updating its guidance for the 2021-2022 school year in the coming weeks. KDE will also review and update other guidance documents related to the COVID-19 pandemic and issue appropriate changes in the coming weeks.
The Knox County Board of Education will review those updates as plans are made for the upcoming year. Students, families, and staff will be notified of any decisions by the Board.