Board approves increase in daily pay for substitute teachers

Piggy bank in front of chalkboard showing dollar signs

The Knox County Board of Education took action on increasing the daily rate of pay for substitute teachers at their August monthly meeting.

The new rates go into effect immediately, with teachers holding a Rank I certification eligible to earn $100 for a full day of work.  The updated salary scale is shown below based on the individual’s degree or progress towards a degree.

Education Level Daily Rate
Rank I $100
Rank II (Masters Degree) $90
Rank III (Teachers Certificate) $80
Rank IV (96 College Hours) $70
Rank V (64 College Hours) $70

The increase is one way that the school district is looking to recruit teachers that have retired, college students including those majoring in education who have availability in their schedule, or others with an interest in helping students learn.  The requirement to be a substitute is a minimum of 64 college hours and a 2.5 GPA.  Potential employees must undergo a criminal records check, central registry check with the Cabinet for Health and Family Services, and a drug screening.

Interested candidates can apply online at then visit the Knox County Board of Education at 200 Daniel Boone Drive, Barbourville to complete additional application requirements.  Business hours are 8am until 4pm Monday through Friday.  Interested individuals who have questions about the position may email