American Education Week set for November 14-18

To raise awareness about everyone’s role in providing children with a quality public education, the Knox County Public Schools in conjunction with the Knox County Education Association are inviting stakeholders to participate in American Education Week, November 14-18.

All schools in the district will host appreciation walls, where students, staff, and the community is invited to write words of encouragement and appreciation for public education.  The messages can thank specific educators (regardless of their job or role) that have inspired and motivated or be words of praise for the continuous improvements occurring in education.

Each day of the week will highlight the roles of all stakeholders in public education.  These activities will be part of a nationwide effort to draw attention to American Education Week’s tagline, “Great Public Schools: A Basic Right and Our Responsibility.”  The tagline represents the National Education Association’s vision of calling upon all Americans to do their part in making public schools great for every child, so that they can grow and achieve in the 21st century.
