Join the Cumberland River Victims’ Services and Berea College Partners for Education for a Green Dot kick off prior to the Lynn Camp vs. Harlan football game on Friday, October 13. Information, food, games, and prizes will be information in the courtyard area and in the school’s cafeteria.
Green Dot is a bystander intervention program built on the premise that we can measurably and systematically reduce violence within any given community. Green Dot is a nationally recognized research-proven and evidence-based program that gives people the skills and tools to be active bystanders. Green Dot recognizes the greatest power is in the bystander – each one of us. Through our choices, we can define the norms and ultimately decide what we will accept and not accept in our communities. The ultimate goal of Green Dot is to reduce the number of people who are hurt by power-based personal violence (bullying, intimate partner violence, sexual violence, and stalking).
For more information call (606)528-5286.
Green Dot Tailgate Lynn Camp