When you have such a special student who has such a sweet spirit and the “when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade” attitude, you make a lemonade stand to support her special cause! One of LC’s 6th grade students, Makaylynn Swanner has beat cancer, not once… BUT TWICE! And we decided that is definitely something to celebrate. This is her first year at LC and we wanted to show her support for “MaKaylynn’s Mission”. Each year her and her family sets up a lemonade stand at the Chicken Festival and donates proceeds to Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation for children’s cancer research. With the help of middle school students, we sold lemonade at two football events. Our goal was to raise $200, but with the help of our community, parents and students we surpassed our goal and made $698! It is predicted that $50 will sponsor one hour of cancer re-search, so it’s awesome to think we helped to provide 14 hours of research. And in just one of those hours could make a difference for one child! We are planning to continue to host events throughout the course of the year!