Career fair allows students to explore wide range of occupations

The annual Youth Career Connect (YCC) career fair was held on Wednesday, March 13, at Lynn Camp Middle/High School.  Coordinated each year through the school district’s YCC grant with the Kentucky Education Development Corporation, the fair is designed to expose all students to a variety of career clusters and occupations within the region, some with relocation and travel opportunities.

Coordinated by KEDC’s Carla Kersey, with assistance from Darya Logan, FRYSC coordinator for Lynn Camp, employer tables were set up around the gymnasium giving students an opportunity to browse the exhibits and talk one on one with employees or hiring managers about their business.  The Air Methods medical helicopter even made a stop at Lynn Camp for the event.

Employers or their representatives attending the fair included KCEOC, Bluegrass Care Navigators, PT Pros, Baptist Health, Maximus, CSRA, Senture, SERCO, Vaughn & Melton, US Army, Air Methods, Copeland & Romines, Apex Physical Therapy, Wrigleys Sous Chef Kent Hubbard, UK Athletics, The Corbin Arena, and The Job Shop.

Photos are available in the gallery.