Advancing to nationals and changing the world

Two Lynn Camp seniors have won state honors with the opportunity to advance to nationals while at the same time changing our community and world.


Masyn Mitchell and Cheyenne Hopkins placed 2nd in the state in the Chapter Service Project Display junior category at the FCCLA State Meeting in Louisville.   FCCLA is a student career and technical organization for those taking family and consumer sciences, fashion design, careers and related pathways at their school.  FCCLA is short for Family, Career and Community Leaders of America.

The duo’s entry into the competitive events consisted of a community service project on the effects and prevention of abuse as well as a donation drive, hand sewn bags, and blankets for the KCEOC Women’s Shelter.  Members of FCCLA routinely contribute to the surrounding community by raising money for community programs like homeless aid and youth abuse prevention.

Mitchell and Hopkins will compete at nationals this July in Nashville.  Their advisor is Jodie Carnes.

Posted on March 28, 2017