Knox Central’s Archery team is once again hitting its target at winning regular season and regional events. This weekend the team competed in the 2020 Kentucky NASP (National Archery in the Schools Program) regional tournament. Once again, Knox Central came home the regional tournament winner for the second consecutive year in a row.
“As coaches, it is an honor to have such an amazing team of awesome young men and women who blend together so perfectly and mesh so well it makes them hard to beat,” said coaches Robert and Selina Dunaway.
“The talent that we have and the potential of talent of our new archers makes for an awesome future for Knox Central and Knox Middle Archery.”
In addition to a first-place team win, three of Knox’s archers made the top five. Hunter Warren placed first with a score of 292 and was the overall top archer in the overall tournament.
“Folks, you want to talk about bringing your “A” game, well this young man did just that and then some,” shared the extremely proud coaches. “Hunter Warren won the best overall male and highest score at the regional tournament Friday night to help bring his KCHS Panthers another championship.”
Following Hunter was Jaden Taylor, with a score of 289, Jaden was number two in the region. Rounding out the top five was Christopher (Brady) Hamilton who with a score of 287 was ranked five out of 100 high school boys, 2 out of 33 10th grade boys, and overall 5th place.
“The team worked together so well during the region tournament and was so focused, I truly believe no team in the state could have beaten us that night. We truly love these students and look forward to their growth in the sport of archery,” said the Dunaway coaching duo.