Knox Central High School Math and Computer Science teacher Fatemia Fuson is leading the way in teaching students the latest developments in using a calculator. No, these are not your typical calculators or even the TI-83s that most re-cent graduates can remember. TI_Nspire connects, analyzes, and allows you to attach probes to extend their use beyond basic algebra and into science and medicine.
On September 13 and September 14, Rachel Wyatt and Fatemia Fuson completed the last face to face meeting with Tex-as Instruments Coach Ruth Casey. Casey was part of the Knox Central TI Teacher Leader Cadre focusing on implementing TI-Nspire technology in the class room and provides training on being Leaders within the school and district to help other teacher us the TI-Nspire hardware and software. Beyond the Cadre, Fuson has presented at conferences and attended the National Texas Instruments conference. Congratulations Ms. Fuson on your professional success!