Quick thinking and team work enabled Knox Central Youth Career Connection (YCC) students to rescue “Fanny”, the Big Ass Fans mascot off of a cliff.
The challenge was part of the Young Engineers Design Challenge, sponsored by Big Ass Fans, the Kentucky Education Development Corporation (KEDC), and the University of Kentucky. Knox Central’s engineering YCC students participated in the challenge.
Seven schools competed in two separate challenge classes to construct a Rube Goldberg Machine to rescue “fanny” with. Knox Central’s team of five students had five minutes to complete the rescue with as few errors as possible.
Team leader John Garrison along with Cullen Reeves, Anna Beth Callihan, Carrie Bargo, and Cassidy West were able to complete the rescue in the allotted time with only two errors making them Big A division champions.
“Our team worked extremely hard and demonstrated the engineering skills necessary to win”,said engineering teacher Travis Mills. “I was very proud of their commitment, teamwork, and creativity in coming up with a solution to the design challenge.”
Youth Career Connection is a federally funded program at Knox Central High School through partnership with KEDC. The delivery of instruction and services to students is an innovative model that will personalize their learning experience with knowledge and skills needed to be successful in college and in careers. YCC counselor at Knox Central is Carla Kersey.