Earlier this summer students at Knox Central and Lynn Camp that had expressed interest in enrolling in dual credit English and College Algebra during the fall semester were sent a letter with information concerning benchmark requirements and next steps for enrollment.
For students who need to take the residual ACT in order to meet benchmarks (18 for English, 19 for College Algebra), the deadline to submit your name for testing is August 2 at 8am. You must e-mail communications@knox.kyschools.us with your name, course you are enrolling in, and your intent to take the residual ACT.
The residual ACT will be given at Union College on Friday morning, August 3. The next scheduled residual ACT is not until September.
If you took the summer ACT and have received a score sheet showing that you met benchmarks, please take a copy of the report to your guidance office for reporting.
If you meet benchmarks and are set on enrolling in the class, begin the registration process by visiting https://my.unionky.edu/ICS/Admissions/ All students that have not previously taken a course through Union College must complete the online application.
If you have questions about the enrollment process or the ACT benchmarks or residual ACT, please email frank.shelton@knox.kyschools.us.