Lay Elementary School’s cafeteria was full of smiles, laughter, learning, and good food on Tuesday and Wednesday morning as the staff held their annual Books and Breakfast event.
Parents and family members joined their child for a time of reading together and learning how they can be more involved in the school. The event was held for grades K-2 on Tuesday and grades 3-6 on Wednesday.
Information shared by the school included research that has overwhelmingly shown that family involvement in a child’s education helps the child learn more. Books and Breakfast was designed to highlight the school’s reading program and to give parents a better understanding of the components and strategies that make up the curriculum and instruction. Each school in Knox County uses Reading Wonders, a product from McGraw Hill publishing, as their core reading program.
Family members also had the opportunity to visit their child’s class and see firsthand how technology, reading, and student engagement is changing the way that students are learning to read.
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