Three educators from the Knox County Public Schools have been selected to represent the school district at Campbellsville University’s annual Excellence in Teaching award program.
Jessica Hall (Lynn Camp Elementary), Sarah Provost (Lynn Camp Middle) and Aimee Gross (Knox Central) will join others from across the Commonwealth for the recognition. The purpose of this award is to recognize quality teaching in Kentucky schools and to strengthen the field of education. It provides statewide recognition to three outstanding individuals for their leadership and dedication to the teaching profession. Implicit in the award is the expectation that the recipients’ examples may inspire all teachers to excel.
The awards program will be held on the campus of Campbellsville University on Saturday, May 13. The Knox County Board of Education presented the teachers with an award during the month of March.
Jessica Hall is an elementary teacher at Lynn Camp Elementary. She has taught for seven years and school leadership says that when you walk into her classroom you can feel the energy from her students. Whether students are teaching each other the standard, or doing an activity, they are actively learning. Her students excel because she uses a variety of Kagan engagement strategies when teaching.
Sarah Provost is a middle school teacher at Lynn Camp Middle High School. She’s actively involved at the school, including roles such as leader teacher for middle grades, member of the culture and behavior management committee, and will do anything that is asked of her to support her department and the school. In 2022, her English students improved their reading scores from 34.2% proficient distinguished in grade five to 49% in grade six.
Aimee Gross is a math teacher at Knox Central High School. She applies great energy and enthusiasm to her classroom lessons. She integrates a variety of strategies that promote student achievement although she continues to seek professional growth opportunities. She serves on the school’s guiding coalition in a planning and advisory role to school administration.