Superintendent provides update to Board on state accountability

“This year, KCPS had an accomplishment that I don’t remember we ever had. We are fortunate to have five elementary schools that are designed by the state as blue, top of the rankings, this year. We also have the Number One Top Performing Elementary School in the state.

Central Elementary was #1 out of 717 elementary schools in the state. Their principal is Mr. Eric Hubbard. GR Hampton was #6 in the state. Mrs. Courtney Barnhill is their principal.

Continuing in the top-ranking schools was Dewitt #15, led by principal Mr. Brian Barnhill. Rounding out the top schools was Flat Lick, earning the #23 spot led by Mr. Jason Cornett.

“We must not forget our goal of top 10%” explained Ledford.

Lay Elementary climbed close to that goal by reaching top 9% of elementary schools in the state. Lay is led by Mr. Keith Broughton and current interim Jason Jordan.

In addition, Knox County Middle School was on the rise, reaching the top 14% in the state out of 319 middle schools. Mr. Fred Hoskins, Mrs. Angie Payne, and Mr. Dewayne Smith are principals at the school.

“We also had three other schools that are close to being in the top 25% in the State: Girdler Elementary School in the top 30%, Lynn Camp High School in the top 32%, and Lynn Camp Elementary School top 35,” said Ledford.

Top Schools were recognized with a plaque for being Top 10% in accountability

Each school was presented a plaque by Knox County Board Members to join other plaques that they have earned in past years.

“We still have work to do, but I am proud of the hard work that our district has put in. This is an amazing accomplishment, as I can’t think of a time that we have had more than two top-performing schools at one time,” said Ledford.

Ledford ended his report by bragging on our schools and community for always supporting kids.

September was Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and National Suicide Prevention Month. He shared that schools organize many different events to promote issues that our kids endure. From balloon releases to collecting money and wearing different colors to support different issues, they are fully involved.

“One example is our cheerleaders and dance teams at Knox Central and Lynn Camp, who collected money at last Friday night’s football game to purchase Hot Wheels.”

Our elementary and middle schools have been doing the same.

Ledford ended his report by saying, “Again, I want to say thank you to our community for always supporting our district and kids.”