Members of the Knox County Board of Education gave their approval to the return of preschool at Dewitt Elementary during a special called meeting held on Monday, July 10.
Preschool coordinator Kristen Parsons and Superintendent Jeremy Ledford shared with the Board information about a renewed interest from the Dewitt community and the benefits for students.
“The district is very excited to offer preschool this year at Dewitt Elementary School. We are encouraging parents of 3 and 4 year olds in the Dewitt area to apply to see if their child meets eligibility,” shared Parsons during her presentation to the Board.
Preschool is available for all four-year-old children whose family income is no more than 160% of poverty. Also, preschool is available to all three and four-year-old children with developmental delays and disabilities, regardless of income.
“Preschool helps equip our kids with the skills that they need to be successful and even excel upon entering kindergarten by providing them with developmentally appropriate activities,” shared Parsons.
“Preschool is all about making learning fun. The curriculum and early childhood standards help develop each child’s physical, intellectual, social and emotional development, including interpersonal, and socialization skills.”
Applications can be picked up at Dewitt Elementary, the Knox County Board of Education, or found on our district’s website at https://www.knoxkyschools.com/