Flat Lick Elementary was in the spotlight during the Knox County Board of Education’s November monthly meeting.
Kindergarten students started the meeting by leading the Pledge of Allegiance for the Board and members in attendance. Each had an opportunity to say their name and were given a flag coloring book and a reading book donated by Save the Children. (View photographs)
Also during the meeting, Jason Cornett, principal at Flat Lick Elementary presented an update to the Board on his school, recent accountability scores, improvement areas, and highlights of achievements. Cornett said that they may be a small school, but they can do big things.
The Board also heard an update from Knox County Career and Technical Center principal Ralph Halcomb. Halcomb shared that the number of Lynn Camp students attending the school has increased as well as the number of dual credit students.
One high school student who has been involved in preparing for the workforce is Sassie Mitchell. Sassie was honored by the Board for being selected to the Kentucky JAG (Jobs for America’s Graduates) Student Leadership Team. Sassie will represent Kentucky at the National conference.
Knox County’s GEAR UP Opportunity program coordinators provided their annual update on projects that they have completed and future projects planned at Knox Central and Lynn Camp. The team stated that they were focused on juniors in most of this year’s events, with sophomores also having opportunities. From college visits to industry and manufacturing, GEAR UP provides exposure to various opportunities for students to pursue after graduation.
Other items that the Board approved include:
Facilities and Operations: advertising for mowing service bids for 2023, BG-1 application with the Kentucky Department of Education to begin a roof project at Girdler Elementary, change orders for Knox Central and Lynn Camp turf projects, and payment requests from contractors working on current projects.
Governance and Leadership: the second reading of a policy for classified and certified employees that are hired for extra duty/service positions such as coaching. At the end of each year, the position will not renew for the next year unless the employee receives notification from the superintendent.
Teaching and Learning: amendment to the current mental health job posting to include a job description and update the salary table that was attached with the job, a Qualcomm grant that provides teachers with free technology to use at home that is part of a project at the University of Kentucky, and stipends for curriculum coaches that are participating in a Deeper Learning initiative through the Southeast South-Central Education Cooperative.
Additional Items: approved several athletic out-of-state field trips, a JAG trip to Washington, and authorized the superintendent to solicit bids for the old Lynn Camp football property. The Board met in executive session but no action was taken.
This summary is an overview of Board action. Official minutes from the meeting will not be available until approved by the Board at their December 15, 2022 meeting.
Video from the meeting and the meeting’s agenda are below.
Original Post: November 16, 2022
The Knox County Board of Education will conduct their November monthly meeting on Thursday, November 17, 2022, 6:30 pm, at the Board of Education Annex (199 Daniel Boone Drive, Barbourville). This meeting was scheduled at the beginning of the year not to conflict with Thanksgiving, which is the fourth Thursday of the month.
Below is a copy of the tentative agenda for this meeting. It is also available for download on our website. The meeting will be broadcast live online (scroll to the bottom of this page).