Building on the history and tradition of Lynn Camp football, new coach Darrell Hendrix is ready for the opportunity and for the season to begin.
“I’m happy to announce Darrel Hendrix as Lynn Camp’s new football coach,” said Principal Anthony Pennington on Monday morning following the hire.
“Coach Hendrix has a solid plan and the experience needed to lead our football team and its proud tradition,” said Pennington.
“Coach has an exciting style of play that will create a lot of excitement for the program’s future.”
It is the tradition and future that Coach Hendrix is looking forward to as he steps into the head coach role.
“I can’t wait to get started. Lynn Camp has a great history of football success and tradition,” said Hendrix following the announcement.
“I work at the high school, so I already know the players and a lot of students in the building that will be playing.”
For those players that are rising Wildcats, he will be meeting with them very soon. His vision for the program’s future is built on investing in the youth.
“I’m going to get the elementary teams going again and get these young kids playing football. That’s the key to us being successful, great feeder programs.”
Athletic Director Marc Estep also expressed excitement for the success that the program has in store for it.
“I am very excited to have Coach Hendrix as our new football coach and look forward to working with him,” said Estep.
Being connected to the players, their families, the fans, and the community is important to the new coach. He feels that the program’s success includes the community having pride in Lynn Camp and its athletic programs.
“I would like to say to our players, families, and alumni, we will work hard to get our football program back to something to be proud of,” said Hendrix.
As he said, Hendrix is well known in athletics at Lynn Camp and a face that the players recognize. In 2006 he started his career coaching elementary football, which continued until 2011. From 2011 until 2014, he was the middle school coach. From 2015 to 2019, he was the defensive coordinator of the team.
“Both of my sons played here, and my wife has been the head softball coach here for the last ten years. I want to thank Mr. Ledford, Mr. Pennington, Mr. Prewitt, Mr. Estep, and my family for this opportunity.”