Double recognitions between CHI Health and Knox County Schools

CHI Health and Knox Board members are shown receiving plaques from one another.

It was a pat on the back and thank you between CHI St. Joseph Health and the Knox County Board of Education on Thursday, October 24.

For several years, the school district has worked with CHI in being the pilot district for the Eddie Eagle Gunsafe Program. As Mollie Harris with CHI explained, “it has allowed us to showcase the program in many places and add on other school districts.”

CHI Health and Knox Board members are shown receiving plaques from one another.

Students recognize the program by the Eddie Eagle mascot costume, an added element to spark their attention. However, by the end of the program, they want students to be able to recognize danger and bring it to an adult’s attention. Eddie Eagle explains that they need to Stop! Don’t touch. Run away. Tell a grown-up.

Jara Burkhart, also with CHI, commended the Board for leading the way and helping students both with safety and other safe lifestyle programs.

After a plaque presentation between Superintendent Jeremy Ledford and CHI Health’s Mollie Harris and Jara Burkhart, the school district expressed its appreciation to CHI for the many other services provided.

Gina Sears, the director of pupil personnel for the district, read through a long list that families may know about or may have heard for the first time and that would be useful for their children and household.

“The ladies from CHI give an enormous amount of time to KCPS by attending and providing resources, holding workshops, and countless other donations.

Sears stated, “attendance at back to school events, attendance and resources at our Relatives Raising Relatives quarterly meetings, car seat safety and medicine locks, and everything from the Easter Bunny to Dr. Seuss reading a book.”

While the list continued, Sears stated that each schools’ Family Resource Youth Service Center could not be apart or hold many events that the community may attend but not know who is behind the scenes and preparation.

“From the National Night Out, Movie on the Square, and Boo Bashes,” they are not only in our schools but also in our communities, said Sears.

CHI Health’s Mollie Harris and Jara Burkhart each received individual plaques from the Board of Education members that they can display in their offices or the display cases at the medical facility.

Sears shared with the Board and those in attendance that a new grant received this school year will help provide health services to students.

“We have been able to provide eye exams, contacts, and glasses for several students, mental health services, transportation services for a student that must visit UK Healthcare, and oral care from surgery, root canals, and retainers.”

She ended with, “I’m still a firm believer that when students are healthy, fed, don’t have a toothache and are mentally stable, learning comes a lot easier because you are breaking through those barriers that were holding them back.”