Laughter, whispers, and smiling faces lined the hallways of the Board of Education Annex on Thursday evening as kindergarten students from Central Elementary waited to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. It was the first time since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic that students were invited to recite the Pledge. (Photo gallery)
During the moment of silence, Josh Smith, pastor at East Barbourville Baptist Church led the Board and guests in prayer. The Board hopes to have pastors from across the county volunteer to attend a meeting and lead them in prayer. Interested individuals may contact Frank Shelton at 606-546-3157, ext. 2446 or via email at
Superintendent Jeremy Ledford provided members with an update on what he has been doing that relates back to the seven strategic leadership standards for superintendents that he is evaluated on. Noteworthy items mentioned by the superintendent included on-going discussions about the future Career and Technology Center, the district leadership retreat held prior to the start of school, the curriculum work completed by teachers during the teacher equivalent work days prior to the first day of school, SROs being at each school, and continuous monitoring of the budget.
All items on the agenda (available for download) were approved by the three members present, Kevin Hinkle, Jimmy Hendrickson, and Jim Miles.
Noteworthy items include:
- Create a LDB certified special education position at G.R. Hampton Elementary.
- Create a district guidance/mental health coordinator which will be paid out of federal Title IV funds.
- Revise prior school psychologist and district counselor positions and accompanying job descriptions.
- Added extra service pay for middle school robotics coach which was omitted from the previously approved salary schedule.
- Signed a contract with Teach for America for professional services to fill a vacancy at Knox Central High.
- Set the personal property (52.8) and real estate (52.8) tax rates. The real estate tax rates were the only rate adjusted, an increase from 52.4 to 52.8 or 4%. That is equal to an additional $4 per $100k in assessed value.
- A contract with Laurel County to provide bus driver certification exams.
- Various consent items including the Daniel Boone Festival’s use of facilities and fundraisers for G.R. Hampton, Lay, and Flat Lick’s parent teacher organizations.
This email is for informational purposes only. Official minutes of the August 25 meeting will be approved by the Board of Education at their September meeting. The September 22 regular scheduled meeting will be held at the Board of Education Annex at 6:30 pm.