The Knox County Board of Education held their monthly meeting on November 16, 2023 at the Board of Education Annex. Below is a summary of Board action.
Action Items and Discussions
Facilities and Operations
- The Board approved advertisement for bids for mowing services for the upcoming calendar year. Bids are due by December 7 and will be awarded at the December 14 meeting. An advertisement will be posted online and in the newspaper on November 23.
- Summit Engineering and Architects provided an update on HVAC and roof replacement projects throughout the district. Final plans and specs were approved for Knox County Middle’s HVAC project, payment towards Girdler Elementary’s roof, and the final payment for the Lynn Camp roof replacement was approved.
Teaching and Learning
- The agreement between Knox County and the University of Kentucky for the Reading Recovery program was approved.
Resources and Support Systems
- Salary modifications were made to the Gear Up positions paid for by their grant. When the Board previously extended salary schedules to 20-24 and 25+ years, Gear Up was not included. Gear Up will be funding the change to match other district paid positions.
- A substitute/part time bookkeeper for the District was approved. There was already a position approved for school level needs but did not include instances where assistance is needed at the district level.
Other Action Items with Discussion
- The Board approved three field trips that are out of state and/or overnight. Lynn Camp JAG will be visiting Washington, D.C., Knox Central Girls Basketball will travel to Destin during winter break to play in a tournament, and Knox Central JROTC will travel to Tennessee in November.
- The Board took action to terminate the option to purchase property that had been looked at for the CTC and other expansion due to issues identified by KDE that could not be resolved.
Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Knox County Board of Education is set for Thursday, December 14, 6:30pm, at the Board of Education Annex (199 Daniel Boone Drive.)
* Note: this is a summary of Board action and not a complete set of minutes. The Board will approve November 16 minutes at the December meeting.