April 18, 2017
Dear Knox County Families,
We are sharing this letter online to provide you with accurate information, to discourage rumors, and ask for your assistance.
On Monday evening, April 17, the Knox County Sheriff’s Office received a telephone call from an outside police agency stating that a threat had been made against Knox County, Kentucky schools. No one particular school in Knox County was mentioned and the address provided to law enforcement was an invalid address. The conclusion of the investigation was false information being reported and at no time was there a safety concern for our students.
To ensure that our families receive accurate information and to help us discourage further rumors and threats, the decision was made to cancel school for Tuesday, April 18, 2017. Tuesday will be NTI Day #7 for students. Students should use online websites such as Reading Wonders, i-Ready, WinLearn, and their class Edmodo and Dojo to receive and complete assignments. Additional assignments that are in paper-copy will be provided to your child on Wednesday and they will have five (5) days to complete.
Please know that Knox County Public Schools and the Barbourville Independent Schools will not tolerate threats of any nature and will make decisions and clearly communicate with parents if a valid threat is found. False reports disrupt the school day and in the end result in a loss of instruction for students.
Your child’s safety is our top priority in Knox County and we understand the concerns that you may have when false information is shared.