Parents packed the Knox Central High School gymnasium on Tuesday night, November 16th, to help recognize recent math achievements in the Knox County Schools.
The annual Math Blast held each fall recognizes students who scored proficient or distinguished on the previous year’s statewide assessment. This year over 1,400 students were honored for their performance on the assessment.
“The number of students being honored at each Math Blast continues to grow,” according to Math Blast coordinator Pamela Williams. “Last year we honored over 1,300 students. This year the number of students is over 1,400.” This year marks the 4th year for the event. In 2007 there were 942 students honored, 1,142 in 2008, and 1,336 in 2009.
In addition to being individually recognized during an award ceremony in the school’s gymnasium, students participated in a variety of activities during the Math Blast. Each school in the district hosted a math room that focused on various math topics.
“The school district has implemented several new math initiatives and programs in recent years that have helped increase the number of proficient students,” stated Frank Shelton, Public Relations director for the district. “Many of the math programs in our schools help identify individual student weaknesses so that our teachers can better prepare instruction based on student need. Our intervention programs will continue to help increase the number of proficient students in math.”
Williams stated that the annual Math Blast is organized by a committee consisting of the following teachers and administrators: Sherry Allen, Frieda Baker, Lori Baker, Velva Barker, Elizabeth Bingham, Charlie Brock, Robin Brown, Kim Bullard, Jason Cornett, Selina Dunaway, Karen Gibson-Hinkle, Leanna Hammons, Michael Ledford, Tim Melton, Kelley Mills, Lisa Napier, and Dewayne Smith.
Photos from the 2010 Math Blast are available on our district website:
Click here to view individual student recognition photos