Students at Flat Lick Elementary will have the opportunity to journey on new adventures through reading when school resumes this August. The school has received notification that they are one of five school libraries in Kentucky, and one in 212 across the nation, to receive funding through the Laura Bush Foundation for America’s Libraries grant.
The grant proposal completed by teachers Donna Welch and Jessica Elam at Flat Lick is for $5,000 to expand, update and diversify their library book collection.
“This is an awesome opportunity for our students at Flat Lick,” said Steve Partin, school principal. Partin feels that this addition will greatly supplement the reading materials already in place at the school and allow for a larger variety of books based on student interests.
The grant application process is administered by The Community Foundation for the National Capital Region with guidance from The Laura Bush Foundation’s Advisory Committee. The grants are funded through generous donations to the endowment from individuals, corporations and foundations. Further information is available at