Teams from Flat Lick and Lynn Camp dominated the statewide Mars Rover Challenge held at the University of Kentucky on Saturday, May 4.
Flat Lick placed first and Lynn Camp second in the competition that was sponsored by Lockheed Martin, the Council on Postsecondary Education and Project Lead the Way.
Designed for fifth graders from Project Lead the Way Districts in Kentucky, the challenge develops teamwork, communication, problem-solving and critical thinking skills, as well as providing a fun, engaging process to learn core content aligned to national math, science and language arts standards.
The students previously built miniature mars rovers using card board, motors, and gears. The goal of the mars rover is to pick up ping pong balls and other objects while the student controlling the robot is away from the “mars” area, watching the robot via a video feed. A district wide competition was held earlier this spring to determine which teams would represent Knox at the statewide challenge.
Members of Flat Lick’s first place Thunder team include Zach Patterson, Bryson Alewine, Andrew Sizemore, Ryleigh Swafford and Victor Bingham. Lynn Camp’s second place Wildbots team members are Vonlee Howell, Lori Mullins, Emileigh Sasser, Abigail Sharp and Bethany Smith.