The Knox County Public Schools are seeking parent and community input regarding the District’s current student wellness policy.
Every January, adults make numerous new year’s resolutions to eat right, become physically active, and lead healthier lifestyles. Administrators in the Knox Schools are reminding parents that those same goals should be set for their children.
“With our food service program and activities in schools, we want to promote children’s health, well-being, and ability to learn by supporting healthy eating and physical activity,” said Angela Ledford, school food service coordinator.
To learn more about the decisions that students are making while not in school, and to measure whether the current policy is effective, the District has launched an online survey.
“We invite parents to visit our website, review our current wellness policy, and take a short survey to let us know how well we are promoting a healthy lifestyle both in school and when students are at home,” said Ledford.
The District’s wellness policy, available for viewing online at, includes information on breakfast, lunch, and snacks served at school, physical activity in the classroom, and communication with parents about healthy lifestyles for their children.
After reviewing the policy, parents and community members are invited to take a short survey that asks questions such as activities that their child participates in, practicing good health habits at home, and feedback on what should be included or changed in the current policy. The survey will be accessible online for a two week period.
Although optional, survey participants are encouraged to provide their name and contact information if they are interested in serving on future wellness committees and being notified of activities and workshops.
For more information about the online survey, or to provide additional feedback on the current policy, please contact Angela Ledford at (606)546-3157.