District meets annual measurable objective in state accountability

The Knox County School District met this year’s annual measurable objective (AMO) according to Unbridled Learning results released to the public on Friday.

Throughout the school district, student performance on the K-PREP, end of course exams, and college prep assessments are improving, according to data released by the Kentucky Department of Education.

Knox’s overall score was 50.0, an increase of 3.9 compared to last year’s results.  The district’s AMO goal was 47.1, which was exceeded by 2.9.  This is the second year of the Unbridled Learning accountability model in Kentucky.

While schools remain in the “needs improvement” classification category, seven schools were seen as progressing.  Those schools were Central Elementary, Flat Lick Elementary, G.R. Hampton Elementary, Girdler Elementary, Jesse D. Lay Elementary, Lynn Camp Elementary, and Knox County Middle School. 

School Name Prior Year Overall Score AMO Target Overall Score Met AMO Goal Classification
District Overall  46.1 47.1 50.0 Yes Needs Improvement
Central Elementary School 48.7 49.7 50.7 Yes Needs Improvement, Progressing
Dewitt Elementary School 49.8 50.8 48.5 No Needs Improvement
Flat Lick Elementary School 42.8 43.8 49.8 Yes Needs Improvement, Progressing
G R Hampton Elementary School 56.4 57.4 59.2 Yes Needs Improvement, Progressing
Girdler Elementary School 46.0 47.0 52.0 Yes Needs Improvement, Progressing
Jesse D Lay Elementary School 60.7 61.7 62.2 Yes Needs Improvement, Progressing
Knox Central High School 46.8 47.8 52.5 Yes Needs Improvement
Knox County Middle School 46.7 47.7 51.2 Yes Needs Improvement, Progressing
Lynn Camp Schools – Elem 43.6 44.6 45.8 Yes Needs Improvement, Progressing
Lynn Camp Schools – Middle 37.4 38.4 37.9 No Needs Improvement
Lynn Camp Schools – High 43.1 44.1 49.5 Yes Needs Improvement

The Knox County Public Schools will be using the data to plan for improvement as we analyze our curriculum and instructional programs and make appropriate adjustments to ensure all students are college/career ready.

Educating children is a shared responsibility. Schools, teachers, administrators, parents, communities and students all must demand and strive for excellence in public education.

To view complete school report cards for the 2012-2013 school year, visit the KDE website at http://applications.education.ky.gov/SRC/Default.aspx

Unbridled Learning summary reports for each school are available for download below:

 [listyofiles folder=”content/unbridledlearning2013″ options=”new_window” filter=”doc,docx,pdf,xls,xlsx”]