Board Members recognized during January Meeting

The Knox County School District joined public school systems across the Commonwealth in honoring a group of local leaders during the January observation of School Board Member Recognition Month in Kentucky.

Carla Jordan, Clarence Brown, Kenneth Crawford, Marty Smith, and Sam Watts are important players in the ongoing quest to ensure that students in the Knox County Public Schools receive the highest-possible quality of learning experiences from innovative teachers in safe and efficiently managed schools.

The recognition took place during the January 25 meeting of the Knox County Board of Education.   Prior to the recognition, board members Carla Jordan and Sam Watts were administered the oath of office by the Honorable W.L. Hammons, Jr.   Jordan and Watts won bids for re-election in November.  

The Board of Education annually nominates members to serve as chair and vice chairman.  The Board voted unanimously appointed Marty Smith as chairman and Kenneth Crawford as vice chairman.