A Summer of Learning for Six Rising Seniors: Knox County’s Governor’s Scholars Announced

School might be out for the summer, but learning is only beginning for six rising high school seniors. 

Rhea Carter, Shelby Green, Jaykob Hubbard, Brayden Imel, Enrica Jackson and Clay Sprinkles will spend part of their summer on one of three university campuses as they participate in the state’s most prestigious summer program.

The Governor’s Scholars Program originated in 1983 as a result of Kentucky leaders’ concern that the state’s “best and brightest” were leaving the Commonwealth to pursue educational and career opportunities elsewhere without fully understanding the potential of their talents at home. Students who are selected attend the program without charge.

During the summer program, which will be held on the campuses of  Bellarmine University in Louisville, Morehead State
University in Morehead, and Murray State University in
Murray, students will participate in a variety of educational studies including:

  • Focus Area: a “major” subject of study, assigned according to scholar preference as indicated on the application.
  • General Studies: an area of study assigned by staff to challenge the scholars. Courses frequently include service-learning components in the community.
  • Seminar: a discussion-based small group session. Emphasis is placed on respectful debate and discussion. Scholars are encouraged to ask probing questions.

rheaRhea Carter

Lynn Camp Schools

Attending:  Morehead State University

Focus Area:  International Relations

Rhea is looking forward to getting to know the other students that she’s going to be with.



shelbyLaura Shelby Green

Lynn Camp Schools

Attending:  Murray State University

Focus Area:  Political and Legal Issues

Shelby is looking forward to meeting hundreds of new students from all over Kentucky that after five weeks could become her closest friends.  



jaykobJaykob Hubbard

Knox Central High School

Attending:  Morehead State University

Focus Area:  Physical Science

Jaykob is looking forward to meeting new people and getting use to college life.



bryadenBrayden Imel

Knox Central High School

Attending:  Bellarmine University

Focus Area:  Modes of Mathematics

Brayden is looking forward to meeting new friends and having an experience he’ll never forget.



enricaEnrica Jackson

Knox Central High School

Attending:  Murray State University

Focus Area:  Journalism and Media

Enrica is looking forward to making new memories with new people.  She is ready to study her passion for five weeks!



clayClay Sprinkles

Knox Central High School

Attending:  Murray State University

Focus Area:  Health Sciences

Clay is looking forward to meeting friends and a wonderful opportunity to learn and become accustomed to college life.