The Knox County Board of Education conducted their regular monthly meeting at the Board of Education Annex building on Monday evening, September 28. The meeting was limited to ten people following guidance issued by state officials for COVID-19. The meeting is available for on-demand viewing at
Communication Items
Architect Scott Noel provided an update on Lynn Camp HVAC and greenhouse repair. Corbin Glass will be submitting a formal estimate on the greenhouse panel repair. Corbin Glass will be a turnkey job. Trane will be providing an estimate on the parts needed for the HVAC unit project.
The tennis court project located behind Lay Elementary is making progress. The Board granted the construction company an additional twelve days for completion due to weather days. Fencing is going up now and next up will be coating. Lynn Camp’s tennis court resurfacing and coating has been completed. Pay applications for the project were approved later in the meeting.
Lay Elementary bleaches are set to ship in December. The delay is due to manufacturers being closed or limited employment due to COVID-19. All measurements have been submitted and ready for build.
Noel is beginning to start the local planning committee and work through the process of assessing needs of the district. Kevin Hinkle was voted to represent the Board on the planning committee. The Board also approved members of the committee which includes school and community individuals.
Superintendent Sprinkles provided an update on the first day of learning at school. It mirrored similar first days of school with some delays in getting student drop offs moving along. Schools will be adding additional staff to do temperature checks to move vehicles along. Sprinkles also provided the Board with an update on the color coded system that public health has provided regarding best practices for in person or vertical learning depending on the seven day rolling average of cases.
Highlights of Action Items
Finance Officer Gertrude Smith presented the working budget for the school year. Funds were transferred from the General Fund to the Construction Fund for current projects at Lynn Camp and Lay. All salary rank changes were accounted for. Part of the Volkswagen Settlement funds, Knox County can purchase up to three buses at base cost and any additional costs for add-ons. Funds were set aside for that in the budget. The budget meets the 2% contingency requirement by KDE.
Bids were awarded to Southern Glitz for clothing and shoes with a 25% discount off shelf price. Thirteen bids, local and national, were received for PPE and nursing supplies. Locally, Knox Professional Pharmacy placed a bid with 25% discount off shelf price.
The Board approved to advertise for bids for fire suppression and maintenance and a separate bid for alarm system maintenance. By separating the two items, which has historically been included together in one bid, the Board feels that it will attract more vendors to have interest. Previously, many fire suppression companies may not provide alarm system service and would have to contract with an outside company. The same with alarm companies having to contract with an outside fire suppression company.
Reciprocal agreements were approved as presented to the Board. All districts (Barbourville Ind., Bell, Clay, Corbin Ind., Laurel, Middlesboro Ind., Pineville Ind., Whitley, and Williamsburg Ind.) were granted 355 students.
In the area of governance, the Board took emergency action with one reading of new Title IX sexual harassment regulations that went into effect in August and require notice of non-discrimination based on sex. The new policies define sexual harassment and formal complaint.
Memorandum of agreements and contracts were approved for Whitley County Schools for hearing impaired services, Gear UP services through Berea Partners for Education, renewal of SchoolMessenger calling system, renewal of Microsoft SHI for access to software, PSST for affordable care act and IRS reporting, and a MOA for Head Start Funding Partnership between KCEOC and the Knox County Board for 2020-2021.
A copy of the tentative agenda is available for PDF download and is provided below.
Call to Order
Moment of Silence
Pledge of Allegiance
A. Reports to the Board
i. Architect Construction Updates
ii. Superintendent’s Learning@School and Learning@Home Update
I. Adopt Agenda
II. Actions by Consent
A. Acknowledgment of Financial Statements and Financial Reports, Bills and Claims, Previous Board Meeting Minutes, Superintendent’s Personnel Report, Maintenance Report, Field Trip Report, Fundraisers, and Request to Use District Property.
III. District Facilities and Operations
A. Discuss and/or Take Action on Pay Application #3 for the Knox Central High School Tennis Court Project
B. Discuss and/or Take Action on Contractors proposed Knox Central High School tennis courts Change Order #01 for a time extension to the contract for weather days
C. Discuss and/or Take Action on Working Budget FY21
D. Discuss and/or Take Action on Capital Funds Request #1 for FY21
E. Discuss and/or Take Action on alternate bids received for clothing and shoes
F. Discuss and/or Take Action on alternate bids received for PPE and nursing supplies
G. Discuss and/or Take Action on advertising for an alternate bid on fire suppression and maintenance
H. Discuss and/or Take Action on advertising for an alternate bid on alarm system maintenance
IV. Governance and Leadership
A. Discuss and/or Take Action on Reciprocal Agreements for
B. Discuss and/or Take Action on interim policy and procedure updates from KSBA and amendments to student and employee handbooks to reflect changes. One time emergency reading pursuant to Board Policy 01.5
C. Discuss and/or Take Action on appointing a Board Member to the Local Planning Committee
D. Discuss and/or Take Action on approving members of the Local Planning Committee
V. Teaching and Learning
A. Discuss and/or Take Action on Memorandum of Agreement with Whitley County Schools for Hearing Impaired Services
B. Discuss and/or Take Action on Memorandum of Agreement Gear UP Partnership Grant thru Berea Partners for Education
C. Discuss and/or Take Action on One Special Need Student’s Shortened School Week/Day Waiver
D. Discuss and/or Take Action on High School Emergency Certification
VI. Resources and Support Systems
A. Discuss and/or Take Action on Renewal of School Messenger for 2020-2021 SY
B. Discuss and/or Take Action on Microsoft SHI Invoice
C. Discuss and/or Take Action on PSST Affordable Care Act Tracking and IRS Reporting Invoice
D. Discuss and/or Take Action on MOA for Head Start Funding Partnership between KCEOC and Knox County Board of Education 2020-2021
VII. Other Action Items with Discussion
VIII. Adjournment