(BARBOURVILLE , Ky.) – The Knox County Board of Education will conduct their next regularly scheduled monthly meeting on Monday, August 26, 6:45 pm, at the Board of Education Annex Building (199 Daniel Boone Drive, Barbourville.) A copy of the tentative agenda follows and is available as a PDF document.
Pledge of Allegiance – Central Elementary
Moment of Silence
A. Communications
• New Teacher Introductions
• Governor Scholar Recognition
B. Remarks by Citizens
C. Reports to the Board
i. Architect Construction Updates
I. Adopt Agenda
II. Actions by Consent
a. Acknowledgment of Financial Statements and Financial Reports, Bills and Claims, Previous Board Meeting Minutes, Superintendent’s Personnel Report, Maintenance Report, Field Trip Report, Fundraisers, and Request to Use District Property.
III. District Facilities and Operations
A. Discuss and/or Take Action on copier contracts
B. Discuss and/or Take Action to Set 2020 Motor Vehicle and Watercraft Property Tax Rate
C. Discuss and/or Take Action to Set 2020 Real Estate, Personal Property, Motor, and Aircraft Tax Rates
D. Discuss and/or Take Action on Lynn Camp High School Scrubber Agreement
E. Discuss and/or Take Action on Revision to Student Fees and/or dues District Wide for FY20
F. Discuss and/or Take Action on BG 5, 17-199 Contract Closeout Form, Lynn Camp Softball Restroom/Storage Bldg
G. Approve BG-1 for new KC tennis courts and renovate LC courts and authorize Superintendent to advertise for bids pending KDE approval.
H. Approve BG-1 for bleacher replacement at LCHS and authorize Superintendent to advertise for bids pending KDE approval.
I. Discuss and/or Take Action on final plan and specifications for heat pump replacement at Lynn Camp High School
J. Approve BG-1 for new or to renovate green house at LCHS and authorize Superintendent to advertise for bids pending KDE approval.
IV. Governance and Leadership
V. Teaching and Learning
A. Discuss and/or Take Action on MOU between members of Tri County Skills U
B. Discuss and/or Take Action on Contract for Services with Bell County Schools for CDL examination services
C. Discuss and/or Take Action on Memorandum of Agreement with Whitley County Schools for Hearing Impaired Services
D. Discuss and/or Take Action on Memorandum of Understanding with HealthCorps for 2019-2020
E. Discuss and/or Take Action on MOU with Union College for Dual Credit Program
F. Discuss and/or Take Action on Elgin Grants
VI. Resources and Support Systems
A. Discuss and/or Take Action on Day Treatment and Appalachian Children’s Home KECSAC Memorandum of Agreement with Eastern Kentucky University – July 1, 2019- June 30, 2020
B. Discuss and/or Take Action on 2019-2020 External School Club Agreements
C. Discuss and/or Take Action on Kentucky Department of Education MOA FY19 Novice Reduction Coach
D. Discuss and/or Take Action on PowerSchool/TalentED Invoice Renewal
E. Discuss and/or Take Action on Staffing and Salary Schedules
F. Discuss and/or Take Action on School Activity Fund Donations
VII. Executive Session
A. Motion to enter into executive session to conduct discussions related to pending litigation against the Board as permitted by KRS 61.810(1)(c)
B. Motion to return to regular session
VIII. Other Action Items with Discussion
IX. Adjournment