Highlights from the March 23, 2020 Board Meeting

Knox County Board of Education

The Knox County Board of Education conducted their March monthly meeting on Monday, March 23, 6:45 pm, at the Board Annex building in Barbourville.

The meeting was limited to a maximum of ten (10) people, including school board members and staff,  pursuant to the Coronavirus Guidelines of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control; the March 12, 2020 Meeting Protocols for Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) issued by the Kentucky Finance and Administration Cabinet; and KRS 61.810(1)(k).

Items approved are indicated in green below.  The Board amended the agenda to include an executive session after item 7A.  No final action was taken.


Pledge of Allegiance

Moment of Silence

A. Communications

B. Remarks by Citizens

C. Reports to the Board

i. Architect Construction Updates

I. Adopt Agenda

II. Actions by Consent
A. Acknowledgment of Financial Statements and Financial Reports, Bills and Claims, Previous Board Meeting Minutes, Superintendent’s Personnel Report, Maintenance Report, Field Trip Report, Fundraisers, and Request to Use District Property.

III. District Facilities and Operations

IV. Governance and Leadership

V. Teaching and Learning
A. Discuss and/or Take Action on Four Special Need Student’s Shortened School Week/Day Waiver

VI. Resources and Support Systems

VII. Other Action Items with Discussion
A. Discuss and/or Take Action on Renew Banking Services Agreement 20-21SY

VIII. Adjournment

A copy of the published agenda is also available as a PDF Document download.