Bus stop ahead: KCPS staff to visit students and families

School buses in the Knox County Public Schools will be making their first stops of the year on Wednesday, August 9, but there will not be students getting on or off the bus.

Faculty and staff throughout the school district will be loading buses on Wednesday morning to ride the same routes that their students will travel this year.  The ride is part of opening day events planned for employees to set the vision for the year ahead.

“We have a renewed focus this year of being involved in the community and in the lives of our students and their families,” explained Kelly Sprinkles, superintendent of KCPS.

“From the Promise Neighborhood and literacy grants to partnerships with local businesses and organizations, the school district will be visible, involved, and accessible.  We want to break down barriers for our students and their families; this means meeting them where they are and preparing them for a successful future.”

The bus ride by employees on Wednesday will be first step in recognizing what needs and barriers exist.

“We have new staff and veteran staff, even some that have lived in Knox County for all of their life, that have said they haven’t been to areas of our county.  We want them to see where our kids live and we want to be actively involved in that community.”

Buses will depart all Knox County schools at around 10:45am and employees will return back to their schools after noon.  While buses will not be able to stop and visit at each house, there are plans to visit with as many students and families as possible.

“If you see our buses drive by or stop in your neighborhood, feel free to wave or stop and say hello.  It will be the first of many contacts that we hope to make with families this school year,” said Sprinkles.

The first day for students is Thursday, August 10, 2017.